Sunday, 28 September 2014

What is “google pagerank”? Should ‘I’ be worried about it?

We all, sometime-somewhere, have stood first in something and have felt good about it. Being first or say being even amongst the top ten, from the rest, itself is a moment that gives you certain recognition, people look up to you as mentor, as well as a source. Suddenly, you become the talk-of-the-town and you sure enjoy this.

Well, you may feel a little weird, as what this above paragraph got to do with “google pagerank”? But don’t strain your brain too much, the entire, above written content just describes what a “google pagerank” is and functions like. Let’s us understand this in a much broader and clear perspective.

Google Pagerank

Google pagerank is a criterion that determines where your website page is ranked amongst the others of your kind. Say, if you have a blog about food, then where does it stands amongst the similar blogs and websites and does it matters? Yes it does matters!

If you’re ranking is higher, chances of people crashing on your website increases. So, the more you are on the internet, the better are the chances of you getting a high rank, and eventually getting you the required number of views that you are targeting. This is beneficial for all, those who are having a business oriented website and those who just want people to engage with what they are publishing on their website.

A better ranking website, say amongst the top 10, would land you on the first page of the google search engine. This would help you advance in an increase of your audience. The more you grow the merrier it would be for your website. Ranking in the top 10 helps you to have worldwide recognition and credit.

So, let us come to the conclusion of google pagerank – yes it is important for a multi-national corporation and even if you are an indie blogger. It helps you achieve a wide audience and a credit for your name. But, this doesn’t end all. Let us look at two quick features that can help you be the next on the number one page of google.

  • Importance of content management
Content is the king. Yes it is, in every manner possible. The better organized the content is, the higher the chances of people crashing your website. It is important to understand that ‘just filling’ is not the best option. There are numerous websites that have written content just to fill up pages, at all cost avoid that.

Content should be structured and engaging. Write like you are talking to your audience, use images, videos to make it interesting. Make the fonts attractive, look at your design for once and don’t just fill up, write meaningful lines. It would be a waste, if you write 1000-2000 words of cliché, instead use some freshness, a content that engages the audience.

You can opt to write little, but interesting. In a time, where there are thousands of websites offering the same content you can interest your audience writing to the point, avoiding long boring content. So, next time you are filling content on your website or blog, choose your words wisely.

  •        A better social networking feature on your website

You have a good creative website design and an excellent content to support it too, but still no traffic or change in your google pagerank? Well, one of the most prominent reasons could be that you are lacking social network promotions.

Social networking sites like facebook, twitter, linkedIn, pinterest, tumblr, etc. are very important to bring your website under notice of your target audience. Social networking sites help you to get more recognition and if your website really has all the interesting, engaging and exclusive content, it won’t be late that you would be in ranking amongst google pages.

Social networking sites help the audience to engage with your website better. This increases the chance of your website getting shared over various social media platforms for free and you getting free advertising too. The more your website is visited the fast it becomes for your website to appear on google’s first page.

Hence, make sure that you are providing all sorts of social networking buttons for sharing your content.

So, now you know what you need to do in order to bring your page on top amongst the others. Google pagerank is important and it does matters for your website or blog. Manage your content, be present everywhere on social media sites and make yourselves the next big sensation of the new big market – the INTERNET!

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